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Tamoxifen Citrate
Active Dosage
30 Tablets x 20mg.
SERM (Antiestrogen)
Half Life
7-10 days
10-20 mg/day
Water Retention
Name: 4 Tamoxifen Citrate
Chem.Abstr.Name: Ethanamine,
2-(4-(1,2-diphenyl-1-butenyl)phenoxy)-N,N-dimethyl-, (Z)-
Structure: C26H29NO or C32H37NO8
Molecular Weight: 563.6462
is a popular and powerfully effective Selective Estrogen Receptor
Modulator (SERM) that is often referred to as an anti-estrogen.
However, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will
actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as
an anti-estrogen in other areas. As one of the oldest SERM’s on the
market that is still regularly used medicinally, while Nolvadex is
also used by anabolic steroid users it is not an anabolic steroid.
This is an important note as some are often confused by its use in
steroid cycles. Nolvadex is simply a SERM.
officially known as Tamoxifen Citrate, was first developed in 1961 by
ICI now AstraZeneca under the trade name Nolvadex. The SERM was
developed to treat breast cancer, specifically hormone-responsive
breast cancer. However, it has also been effectively used in breast
cancer prevention. Then we have anabolic steroid users, and it was
long ago discovered that Nolvadex had a place among such individuals.
Nolva, as it’s commonly known, can be used as an anti-estrogen
during an anabolic steroid cycle in order to prevent estrogenic
related side effects. It is also used as part of a Post Cycle Therapy
(PCT) recovery plan, which is its most common and beneficial point of
use for the steroid user.
Functions & Traits:
Citrate is a SERM with both estrogen agonist and antagonist
properties. As an anti-estrogen, Nolvadex functions by binding to the
estrogen receptors in the place of estrogen. This binding prevents
the estrogen hormone from performing its action in certain parts of
the body, which is precisely why it’s beneficial to breast cancer
patients. Many forms of breast cancer actually feed off estrogen when
it attaches to the receptors in the chest. By preventing the
attachment in such receptors, this also protects anabolic steroid
users from gynecomastia, which can be caused by anabolic steroids
that aromatize such as Testosterone, Dianabol, and Nandrolone and
Boldenone to a degree.
primarily viewed as an anti-estrogen, Nolvadex also has the ability
to act as estrogen, specifically in the liver. This presents a
benefit as estrogenic activity in the liver has been linked to
healthier cholesterol levels. For the steroid user, this can be
extremely beneficial as many anabolic steroids tend to have an
adverse effect on cholesterol. More on this when we look at the
direct effects of Nolvadex later on.
primarily an anti-estrogen, Nolvadex also possess strong testosterone
stimulating characteristics. Nolvadex has the ability to block the
negative feedback that is brought on by estrogen at the hypothalamus
and pituitary. As a result, this stimulates an enhanced release by
the pituitary of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating
Hormone (FSH). Both LH and FSH are essential to natural testosterone
production. Without LH and FSH, with an even stronger emphasis on LH,
there is no natural testosterone production.
of Nolvadex:
the breast cancer patient, the effects of Nolvadex are very
straightforward. By blocking the estrogen hormone from attaching the
cancer is unable to feed on the hormone necessary to its survival.
While effective, it’s not always the only compound used or even the
first. Often Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) are used early on as they
have the ability to lower serum estrogen levels. In time, a switch
from an AI to a SERM like Nolvadex will be made. In a preventative
situation, those who have a strong family history of breast cancer
may prevent it by Nolvadex use early on.
the anabolic steroid user, the primary effect of Nolvadex on cycle is
in the prevention of gynecomastia. Nolvadex does not appear to have a
strong effect in preventing the other primary estrogenic effect in
water retention, but this can often be controlled in other ways. As
for gynecomastia protection, this can be enough for many men and
should be your first choice if it can get the job done. If not, you
will need an AI like Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Femara (Letrozole).
However, AI’s can have a negative effect on cholesterol. Alone AI’s
do not appear to have a strong, negative effect, but when coupled
with an aromatizing steroid this effect appears to be exasperated.
Cholesterol can be controlled with the use of an AI, but if it can
get the job done a SERM like Nolvadex should be your first choice. As
an added bonus, remember this SERM will have a positive impact on
your cholesterol levels.
final effect of Nolvadex represents the most valuable one for the
anabolic steroid user. The use of anabolic steroids will suppress
natural testosterone production. The rate of suppression will be
dependent on the steroid(s) being used, but in most cases, it will be
significant. Once the use of anabolic steroids comes to an end,
assuming the individual did not suffer from a prior low testosterone
condition and did not damage his
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) through improper
practices, natural testosterone production will begin again. This
natural production will begin on its own, however, there is a
problem. Once you come off cycle your natural testosterone levels
will be extremely low and while production will begin again they will
remain low for a very long time. It will take months and months for
the body to fully recover its prior high natural testosterone levels.
In fact, it could take up to a year or more depending on the
harshness of the cycle and the individual’s general dispositions.
This means the individual will be in a state of low testosterone for
quite some time, and that can come with a host of bothersome
symptoms. This condition can include all the symptoms associated with
low testosterone. Further, with testosterone levels low, the
individual may very well lose a lot of muscle tissue gained through
steroid use as cortisol becomes the dominant hormone in the body.
to the low testosterone issues after a cycle of anabolic steroids,
most men are encouraged to implement a PCT plan that includes
Nolvadex post anabolic steroid use. Solid PCT plans often contain
Nolvadex as well as the SERM Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and the
powerful peptide hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). By
implementing this PCT plan, you will greatly stimulate natural
testosterone production, speed up the recovery process and greatly
protect your physique. Once the PCT plan comes to an end, contrary to
popular belief your testosterone levels will not be resting at their
normal high level state. Total recovery will still take a lot of
time. However, a PCT plan that includes Nolvadex will ensure you have
enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels
continue to naturally rise.
are many performance enhancing athletes that scoff at PCT plans, and
there is a time to forgo them. If you’re only going to be off cycle
for a short period of time, say 4-6 weeks or are cruising on a low
testosterone dose between full blown cycles, there is no logical
reason for a PCT plan. Such scenarios are very common in hardcore
bodybuilding circles but they are not realistic for most anabolic
steroid users. Most steroid users will take a fair amount of time off
cycle, and in the name of health and wellbeing this is the best
approach. If this is the case, there is no logical reason for
forgoing PCT, and we can guarantee those that implement it will be
far better off.
Effects of Nolvadex:
are possible side effects of Nolvadex use, but we will find this is a
very well-tolerated SERM for most men and women. However, there are
possible side effects but they are generally very rare. Most men will
not have the first problem. The side effects of Nolvadex will be a
little more common in women but even then they are not all that
common. The possible side effects of Nolvadex use include:
- Vaginal Itching, bleeding, discharge or discomfort
- Hot Flashes
- Upset Stomach
- Headaches
- Rash
- Decreased White Blood Cell Count
- Endometrial Changes
- Increased Triglyceride Levels
- Pulmonary Embolism