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Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Active Dosage
10ml multiuse vial
Anabolic Steroid
Half Life
about 6 days
Men 200-600 mg/week
Water Retention
Base + HexaHydroBenzylCarbonate Ester)
C20 H24 O3
Weight (base): 270.3706
Weight (ester):130.1864
(base): C18 H22 O2
Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate represents the dominant large ester based
Trenbolone compound on the market. It was first released by the
France based Negma Laboratories in the late 1960’s under the trade
name Parabolan. This represents the first and only Trenbolone hormone
to ever exist in human grade form. Parabolan was prescribed for many
years in cases of malnutrition, which will make a lot of sense as we
dive into the compound. It was also prescribed to treat osteoporosis
in some cases, as well as in the treatment of cachexia. However, in
1997 Negma would pull Parabolan from the market. As the first human
grade pharmaceutical Trenbolone compound, it was also the last.
is very similar to the more popular Trenbolone Acetate (Fina)
compound. The only difference is the ester attached, as Parabolan
will provide a much slower release of Trenbolone requiring fewer
injections. The functional traits and characteristics of the
Trenbolone hormone do not change based on the attached ester.
it is no longer prescribed the Trenbolone hormone is predominantly
found in performance enhancing circles. It is one of the most
powerful steroids on the market carrying tremendous versatility. The
hormone is also found on the veterinarian market in Trenbolone
Acetate in cattle implants, but Parabolan or related forms are only
found in black market circles currently. In such circles, Parabolan
along with all Trenbolone forms is often viewed as the essential
steroid in the world of competitive bodybuilding for it’s
incredible conditioning effects. However, it will also hold
tremendous mass building properties that are beyond most steroid’s
Functions & Traits:
officially labeled Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is a
structurally altered form of Nandrolone. Nandrolone being the hormone
most commonly associated with Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate).
For the Trenbolone hormone to exist, the Nandrolone hormone has an
added double bond at carbon positions 9 and 11. This greatly
increases the hormones androgen binding affinity and inhibits the
hormone from aromatizing. Parabolan carries no aromatizing nature.
This slight modification also slows down the metabolism of the
hormone resulting in a far more potent anabolic and androgenic nature
than Nandrolone, far beyond testosterone as well. In order to
understand this hormone’s power, consider its anabolic and
androgenic ratings. Trenbolone carries an anabolic rating of 500 as
well as an androgenic rating of 500. All steroids carry a rating
measured against the rating of testosterone, which carries a rating
of 100 in both categories. More importantly, the Trenbolone hormone’s
ratings match up perfectly to its translating activity. This is not
always the case as can be seen in steroids like Halotestin
(Fluoxymesterone) and Proviron (Mesterolone) to name a few. You will
be hard pressed to find an anabolic steroid that carries the raw
anabolic and androgenic power of Parabolan.
an anabolic steroid, Parabolan carries with it numerous common
steroidal traits associated with anabolic power. Many of these traits
are shared by many other anabolic steroids, but in the case of the
Trenbolone hormone it carries them with a far greater rate of power.
This steroid has the ability to enhance protein synthesis and
nitrogen retention in the muscles far more so than most steroids.
This is important as protein synthesis refers to the rate by-which
cells build proteins. As proteins are the building blocks of muscle,
this promotes a potent anabolic atmosphere. The enhanced rate of
nitrogen retention again promotes this atmosphere and protects the
body from catabolism. All lean muscle tissue is comprised of
approximately 16% nitrogen and a deficiency will lead to a catabolic
also has the ability to greatly increase red blood cell count and
IGF-1 output. The increased red blood cell count is important as red
blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the
blood. This not only promotes greater muscular endurance, but again
revs up the total anabolic activity. When it comes to anabolic
activity, this is precisely why the increased presence of IGF-1 is
important. IGF-1 is a powerfully potent anabolic hormone that affects
nearly every cell in the human body. This simple hormone also plays a
tremendous role on our body’s recovery process.
Trenbolone hormone is also well noted for being one of the best
inhibitors of glucocorticoid hormones or stress hormones like
cortisol. These hormones are in many ways the complete opposite of
anabolic steroids in that they destroy muscle tissue and promote fat
storage. With this trait, along with the insanely potent anabolic
atmosphere, the individual should find a greatly enhanced metabolic
rate. However, he should also find steroids like Parabolan also have
the ability to directly promote lipolysis due to its tremendous
binding affinity for the androgen receptor. Most all anabolic
steroids can promote an enhanced metabolic rate, but very few tend to
support direct fat loss and Parabolan tends to promote it at a
notable rate.
of the mentioned traits make Parabolan a remarkable anabolic steroid,
but it carries another that truly separates the Trenbolone hormone
from the rest of the pack. This anabolic steroid has the ability to
remarkably increase feed efficiency or nutrient efficiency. This is
the very reason Fina pellets are administered to cattle shortly
before slaughter in order to beef them up for a higher return on the
market. By increasing feed efficiency, this makes every last nutrient
more valuable than it would be otherwise. Every gram of protein, fats
and carbohydrates we consume is utilized at a higher rate, less is
wasted and a greater benefit is gained. A good way to look at it is
as you would the money in your pocket. Imagine being able to buy ten
dollars worth of goods and services with every one-dollar you have.
Perhaps a slight oversimplification, but it’s not that far off.
of Parabolan.
understanding the functions and traits of the steroid it should be
fairly easy to see that the effects of Parabolan are nothing short of
remarkable. So remarkable, the effects of Parabolan will be
beneficial to the steroid user in just about any type of cycle.
the traits of Parabolan, we have one of the best cutting steroids of
all time. In fact, cutting is when most will use the Trenbolone
hormone. It is so effective for this purpose many competitive
bodybuilders will not prepare for a show without it. The fat loss
effects of Parabolan alone make this steroid worthwhile during this
phase of use, but it does not end there. When we diet and it does not
matter how well planned our diet is, but when we diet we will lose
some muscle mass. In order to burn body fat we must burn more
calories than we consume and this necessary action puts our lean
tissue at risk. The body will pull what it needs from lean muscle
mass at some point, and this will be very true the leaner we get. The
human body will begin to burn muscle mass rather than body fat in an
effort to save the fat for emergency. It’s part of our body’s
natural internal function. Thankfully the use of Parabolan due to its
wildly powerful anabolic nature will preserve this muscle mass. We
will now burn more body fat and protect a larger amount of our lean
muscle mass, however, the effects of Parabolan on cutting do not end
there. The Trenbolone hormone will harden a physique like no other.
In fact, you could combine numerous other steroids together and not
receive the conditioning effects of Trenbolone. Once lean enough, you
will appear harder, more vascular and far more defined.
understand Trenbolone is a tremendous cutting steroid, but it’s
also a fantastic bulking steroid. Remember, Parabolan carries an
insanely high anabolic rating that actually translates into real life
action. It will be possible to gain more actual mass or weight with
some other steroids, but that will often include a lot of water
weight and larger amounts of body fat due to the high levels of
estrogenic activity. As Trenbolone carries no estrogenic nature every
last ounce of weight gained due to the use of Parabolan will be pure
lean muscle tissue. Due to the metabolic enhancement provided by
Parabolan, the individual will also gain less body fat during his
off-season. This doesn’t mean no body fat gain will occur. In order
to gain lean muscle mass of any note, we must consume a caloric
surplus, and this will promote body fat gain. The key to success
during the off-season is to limit this fat gain as much as possible
while simultaneously gaining new muscle mass. A slight increase above
maintenance in calorie consumption is the first step, limiting
carbohydrate consumption to only what you absolutely need is the
second, and adding in steroids like Parabolan is the third.
effects of Parabolan do not end with cutting and mass promotion. This
steroid will promote enhanced muscular endurance better than most
steroids. It will also dramatically improve the individual’s
overall rate of recovery. The individual will not tire out as fast
and he will recover from hard, intense exercise or activity at an
accelerated rate. Due to the powerful androgenic activity, the
individual will find this steroid also greatly promotes increases in
strength. In fact, some may even notice a slight increase during a
cutting phase. Of course, most all will find strength diminishes to a
degree when cutting, but more of it will be protected when dieting
than would be otherwise. Due to these effects of Parabolan, enhanced
endurance, recovery and strength, it can be a fantastic steroid for
athletic performance. However, some individuals report decreases in
cardiovascular endurance. However, it WILL NOT affect everyone this
way. Many will simply enjoy the positive effects of Parabolan.
Effects of Parabolan:
is not what we’d call the most side effect friendly anabolic
steroid. Side effects of Parabolan are undoubtedly possible, but they
are often blown way out of proportion. This is a common practice by
those who hold to an anti-steroid sentiment, but in the case of the
side effects of Parabolan it’s often steroid users who are the
biggest offenders. This steroid will carry some very common possible
steroid side effects. However, it will also carry a few that while
possible tend to be a bit unique to the Trenbolone hormone. Such
effects are highly dependent on response. Dose can play a role but
response is the primary factor. Because these effects will be
pronounced strongly many have begun to inaccurately assume that their
Trenbolone is no good if such effects do not occur. This is an insane
way of thinking. Others assume the steroid should not be used unless
you have years of anabolic steroid experience. Again, this is insane
thinking. If you are a poor responder you’ll be a poor responder in
your first year of steroid use or your twentieth. In order to
understand the side effects of Parabolan, we have separated them into
their respected categories along with everything you need to know.
does not aromatize and carries no estrogenic activity. However,
estrogenic side effects are still possible with this steroid due to a
strong progestin nature. Water retention will not be a concern, but
gynecomastia will be possible in some men depending on sensitivity.
While there is no estrogenic activity, progesterone has the ability
to simulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue leading to
gynecomastia. In order to protect from such action, some men may need
an anti-estrogen medication, but many will be fine without it. Again,
sensitivity will be the primary issue.
Trenbolone hormone is highly androgenic, and as a result, the side
effects of Parabolan can include strong related effects. Such side
effects of Parabolan include acne, accelerated hair loss in those
predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. Such
effects will be linked to genetic predispositions but they are quite
possible in many men who use the hormone. To combat such side
effects, some will be tempted to use a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.
However, the Trenbolone hormone is not metabolized by the 5-alpha
reductase enzyme and related inhibitors will have no notable affect
in reducing the androgenicity of the hormone.
Due to the
androgenic nature of Parabolan, virilization symptoms are very
possible when women supplement with this steroid. Virilization
symptoms can include body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal
chords and clitoral enlargement. Most women who use this steroid will
experience such symptoms at some level even with low doses. It is
very possible to reverse such symptoms if use is discontinued at
their onset, but they will often become permanent if allowed to set
in. For this reason, most women are encouraged to seek out steroids
with lower virilization ratings if anabolic steroids are to be used.
Such compounds commonly include Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Primobolan
(Methenolone) as well as Winstrol (Stanozolol) and possibly Equipoise
(Boldenone Undecylenate) at low doses.
can have a notable adverse effect on cholesterol. It’s not as
strong as many anabolic steroids, especially most oral steroids but
it is notable enough. High blood pressure is also possible, but
cholesterol will be the primary issue. For this reason a healthy
lifestyle, one that is cholesterol friendly is imperative when
supplementing with the Trenbolone hormone. If you already suffer from
high cholesterol or blood pressure you should not use this steroid.
If you are healthy enough for use, you should ensure your diet is
cholesterol friendly, low in saturated fats and simple sugars and
rich in omega fatty acids. You should also ensure you include plenty
of cardiovascular training into your routine. Maintaining your health
is very important when using anabolic steroids and it is more than
possible with this steroid, but it will take some effort on your
anabolic steroids suppress natural testosterone production. However,
the rate of suppression varies greatly from one steroid to the next.
In the case of Trenbolone the rate of suppression will be extreme.
For this reason, all men who supplement with Parabolan are encouraged
to include exogenous testosterone in their plan. Failure to include
exogenous testosterone will result in a low testosterone condition.
Such a condition can come with numerous bothersome symptoms that can
affect your physical, mental and sexual wellbeing. Many inaccurately
assume if they do not suffer from the sexually related symptoms their
levels are not low, but this simply isn’t true. Further, such a
condition is extremely unhealthy. Including exogenous testosterone is
Once all anabolic steroid use comes to an end,
your natural testosterone production will begin again. At the
conclusion of the cycle, most are encouraged to implement a Post
Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan. This will stimulate natural production to a
greater rate and greatly reduce the overall recovery time. It will
not bring your levels back to normal on its own. There’s no PCT
plan on earth that can do this. However, it will improve the recovery
rate and ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily
function while your levels continue to naturally rise.
important note, natural recovery assumes no prior existing low
testosterone condition. It also assumes no severe damage was done to
the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper use
or irresponsible supplementation practices.
Trenbolone hormone is generally not a hepatotoxic steroid. A level of
toxicity is possible but appears to be limited to extremely high
doses of the steroid. Most who use Parabolan will not experience any
stress or damage to the liver.