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Testosterone Cypionate
Active Dosage
10ml multiuse vial
Anabolic Steroid
Half Life
5.5-6 days
Men 200-1400 mg/week
Water Retention
Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as Cypionate)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Testosterone is the prime male androgen in the body, and as such still
the best possible mass builder in the world. It has a high risk of
side-effects because it readily converts to a more androgenic form (DHT)
in androgen responsive tissues and forms estrogen quite easily. But
these characteristics also provide it with its extreme anabolic
tendencies. On the one hand estrogen increases growth hormone output,
glucose utilization, improves immunity and upgrades the androgen
receptor, while on the other hand a testosterone/DHT combination is
extremely potent at activating the androgen receptor and eliciting major
strength and size gains. While not always the most visually appealing
result, there is no steroid on earth that packs on mass like
testosterone does.
Testosterone Cypionate is a single-ester, long-acting form of
testosterone. Due to the length of its ester (8 carbons) it is stored
mostly in the adipose tissue upon intra-musuclar injection, and then
slowly but very steadily released over a certain period of time. A peak
is noted after 24-48 hours of injection and then a slow decline,
reaching a steady point after 12 days and staying there for over 3 weeks
time. Of course most users of anabolics will not find adequate benefit
in the use of this steady-point dose, so this product is normally
injected once a week, making the very lowest dose higher than half the
peak dose at any given time. This is roughly the starting blood level as
well. A long-acting testosterone ester is a must-have in any
mass-building cycle. As such this is a very decent product.
A long-acting testosterone ester may be the best for all your
mass-building needs, but its not an easy product to use. Because of the
extreme length of action (3-4 weeks) one cannot easily solve occurring
problems by simply discontinuing the product, as it will continue to act
and aggravate side-effects over extended periods of time. In regards to
damage control and post-cycle therapy, some familiarity with the use of
ancillary drugs is required prior to using a long-acting testosterone
product. Nolvadex and Proviron will come in very handy in such cases and
post-cycle HCG and clomid or Nolvadex will be required as well to help
restore natural testosterone. Frequency of side-effects is probably
highest with this type of product.
While most will tell you it's a waste to not use testosterone, as it
will take ages longer to build proper mass, these are all points to take
into consideration. Testosterone is a product that is heavily used by
beginners and veterans alike and justly so. Those who fear they may
never understand the proper use of ancillary drugs, may want to suck it
up and invest in some propionate or suspension testosterones instead.
These are much shorter acting and easier to control, but they do need to
be injected once every two days, whereas this type of ester will impart
great gains with a single weekly injection. Something to keep in mind.
Stacking and Use:
Testosterone is the most powerful compound there is, so obviously its
perfectly fine to use it by itself. With a long-acting ester like
Cypionate doses of 500-1000 mg per week are used with very clear results
over a 10 week period. If you've ever seen a man swell up with sheer
size, then testosterone was the cause of it. But testosterone is
nonetheless often stacked. Due to the high occurrence of side-effects,
people will usually split up a stack in testosterone and a milder
component in order to obtain a less risky cycle, but without having to
give up as much of the gains. Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin
are the weapons of choice in this matter. Deca seems to be the most
popular, probably because of its extremely mild androgenic nature. But
Deca being one of the highest risks for just about every other
side-effects, I probably wouldn't advise it. If Deca is used, generally a
dose of 200-400 mg is added to 500-750 mg of testosterone per week.
Primobolan is sometimes opted for, and can be handy since it doesn't
aromatize, which will make the total level of water retention and fat
gain a lot less than with more test or with Deca for example.
Unfortunately, its mild nature combined with a lack of estrogen make
Primobolan a very poor mass builder. Again, doses of 300-400 mg are
used. I would actually suggest a higher dose, but with the current
prices for Primo I don't think it would be very popular. My personal
preference goes out to Equipoise. Androgenically its not that much
stronger than Deca because it has next to no affinity for the
5-alpha-reductase enzyme and is only half as androgenic as testosterone.
Its twice as strong as Deca, mg for mg, and has a lower occurrence of
side-effects. It has some estrogen, but not a whole lot so it actually
tends to lean a person out rather than bloat him up as Deca will. It
also increases appetite, which promotes gains, and improves aerobic
performance, which may be wishful as testosterone normally has an
opposite effect.
Of course testosterone cypionate can be stacked with any number of
compounds apart from these, but these make the best match. When stacking
with testosterone, one needs to look at what the other compound can
bring. Either it has a characteristic that testosterone doesn't have, or
its nominally safer. The testosterone will bring all the mass, so
adding another steroid to enhance mass alone, is futile. More
testosterone is the best remedy for that.
One needs to be familiar with a host of other compounds when using
long-acting testosterone esters however. First of all, anti-estrogens.
The rate of aromatization of testosterone is quite great, so water
retention and fat gain are a fact and gyno is never far off. If problems
occur one is best to start on 20 mg of Nolvadex per day and stay on
that until problems subside. I wouldn't stay on it for a whole cycle, as
it may reduce the gains. In terms of an aromatase blocker, testosterone
is one of the few compounds where Proviron may actually be preferred
over arimidex. The proviron will not only reduce estrogen and can be
used for extended time on a testosterone cycle, it will also bind with
great affinity to sex-hormone binding proteins in the blood and will
allow for a higher level of free testosterone in the body, thus
improving gains.
After a cycle, mainly due to the high aromatization and increased levels
of estradiol in the blood after discontinuing, natural testosterone
levels will be severely suppressed. This means steps need to be taken to
assure the quick return of natural testosterone, or we stand to lose a
lot of the gains we made while using testosterone. Since it's a
non-toxic, potent mass-builder its mostly used in long 10-12 week
cycles. So some testicular shrinkage will have occurred too. Its very
important that people see that HCG and Nolvadex/clomid are essential as a
post-cycle therapy, and that both are equally important in achieving
our goal.