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Clomiphene Citrate
Active Dosage
30 Tablets x 50mg.
SERM (Antiestrogen)
Half Life
5-7 days
25-150 mg/day
Water Retention
Very Low
(Clomiphene Citrate) is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen
officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
(SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM in
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate). Clomid first gained worldwide attention
in the early 1970’s as a strong fertility aid and is still used for
that purpose today. It is also one of the most commonly used SERM’s
by anabolic steroid users. No, it is not an anabolic steroid but can
be used to combat estrogenic side effects sometimes caused by
anabolic steroids. It can also be used as a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
medication in order to stimulate suppressed testosterone production
due to anabolic steroid use. PCT use of Clomid is the most common
purpose and most beneficial point of use for the anabolic steroid
Functions & Traits:
Citrate is a SERM that is specifically used as a fertility aid due to
its ability to enhance the release of gonadotropins. Clomid has the
ability to oppose the negative feedback of estrogens on the
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian-Axis. This will increase the release
of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
significantly. By increasing gonadotropin release, this can lead to
the egg being released, thereby increasing the chance of conception.
also carries strong anti-estrogen properties that could be used
therapeutically, but its anti-estrogen properties are most commonly
associated with anabolic steroid use. Testosterone and many
testosterone derived steroids have the ability to convert to estrogen
through testosterone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As
estrogen levels rise, this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water
retention. Heavy water retention can also promote high blood
pressure. By supplementing with Clomid during anabolic steroid use,
the SERM will bind to the estrogen receptors, therefore inhibiting
the estrogen hormone from binding. This can be very useful in
combating gynecomastia, as when Clomid binds to the receptor it
prevents estrogen from stimulating the mammary tissue. It can also
have a positive impact on water retention, but as it won’t actively
reduce serum estrogen levels it’s sometimes not enough.
also possess functioning traits that are beneficial to the anabolic
steroid user post anabolic steroid use. Specifically we’re
referring to Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). In men, Clomid also has the
ability to stimulate the pituitary to release more LH and FSH, which
will in turn stimulate enhanced natural testosterone production. This
is extremely beneficial to the anabolic steroid user post cycle as
natural testosterone levels will be very low due to suppression
caused by anabolic steroid use.
of Clomid:
a therapeutic setting as a fertility aid, the effects of Clomid are
simple. The woman is having difficulty becoming pregnant, Clomid
enhances the chance of conception and pregnancy occurs. It doesn’t
always work and we’ll look at the process in the administration
section, but it will greatly increase the odds of conception and is
fairly successful.
an anti-estrogen for on cycle steroid use, Clomid is fairly effective
at staving off gynecomastia. It will not reduce estrogen levels or
inhibit the aromatization process, but in many cases, binding to the
receptors is enough protection for many men. In fact, while there are
stronger protective agents, many men would be surprised as to how
well a SERM like Clomid can work if they would give it a chance. More
importantly, when using Clomid for this purpose it can also have a
positive impact on cholesterol levels. While an anti-estrogen, Clomid
actually acts as estrogen in the liver, which in turn will promote
healthier cholesterol levels. This can be very beneficial to the
anabolic steroid user as anabolic steroid use is notorious for
promoting unhealthy cholesterol levels.
many men, especially hardcore anabolic steroid users, Clomid is not
enough for estrogenic protection. In this case, an Aromatase
Inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Femara (Letrozole) will
be needed. AI’s actively inhibit the aromatase process and will see
serum estrogen levels reduced. By far they are the most effective at
combating gynecomastia and will have more success in combating water
retention. In fact, SERM’s like Clomid often do very little to
combat water retention. However, in many cases, many performance
athletes would do a better job controlling water retention if they
did a better job controlling their diet. In off-season bulking plans
this requires excess calories to grow. However, many take it too far,
especially carbohydrate consumptions, and this will cause you to hold
water with or without anabolic steroid use. Add in aromatizing
steroids to the equation and water retention will be even greater.
Further, AI’s while effective will have a negative impact on
cholesterol, which leads us to only one sane conclusion. Control your
diet and if you can control gynecomastia with a SERM like Clomid it
should be your first choice.
we’re left with the effects of Clomid as they pertain to PCT. When
we supplement with anabolic steroids, this will suppress natural
testosterone production. The rate of suppression will be dependent on
the steroids being used and to a degree the total dosing, but it will
generally be substantial. For this reason, most men will always
include exogenous testosterone in their steroid cycles. In fact, it’s
not uncommon for it to be the only steroid used. This will protect
the individual from a low testosterone condition while on cycle.
Unfortunately, once steroid use comes to an end natural testosterone
levels will be very low. Natural testosterone production will begin
again on its own, but it will take a significant amount of time for
levels to reach their previous high state. In fact, total recovery
can take months to even a year. Further, natural testosterone
recovery is dependent on no prior low testosterone condition existing
and assumes that no severe damage was done to the
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) through improper
anabolic steroid use.
to natural testosterone levels being low post cycle, most men are
encouraged to implement a PCT program. This will stimulate natural
testosterone production greatly and shorten the total recovery time.
It will not return your levels to normal on its own; there is no PCT
plan on earth that can do this. However, a solid PCT plan will ensure
you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your
levels continue to naturally rise. Clomid is an excellent choice for
this purpose and one of the most commonly used PCT medications.
Highly successful PCT programs will often include Clomid and Nolvadex
as well as the powerful peptide hormone HCG (Human Chorionic
who forgo Clomid therapy post cycle or any type of PCT plan and are
going to be off cycle for an extended period of time will rest in a
low testosterone condition for an extended period of time. Not only
is this an extremely unhealthy state, it can come with all the
traditional low testosterone symptoms. Many will find cortisol levels
greatly increase as testosterone levels are low, and as a result,
body fat levels go up and strength and muscle mass decrease. If
you’re going to be off cycle for an extended period of time, 8
weeks or more there is no reason for forgoing a PCT program. If you
are going to be off cycle for less than 8 weeks or bridging with a
low dose of exogenous testosterone, which is very common in hardcore
bodybuilding circles, this is the only time a PCT would be
Effects of Clomid:
is one of the most well-tolerated SERM’s and anti-estrogens on the
market, and this applies to both men and women. While it carries a
very high threshold of toleration, side effects of Clomid do exist
and are possible. However, “possible” is the key word and a very
important one. Anytime anabolic steroids are discussed as well as
non-steroidal items used by anabolic steroid users, many seem to
enjoy implying side effects are assured. This is not the case; in
fact, most should be able to use Clomid side effect free.
it comes to the possible side effects of Clomid, we will find most
are fairly rare. Some women who have used the SERM as a fertility aid
have experienced ovarian enlargement, but again this is very rare.
Other possible side effects of Clomid use include:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Hot Flashes
- Uterine Bleeding (extremely rare)
- Breast Discomfort